Personal Injury

It can be difficult to think about legal matters after an injury. Struggling with pain, medical care, rehabilitation, expenses, and other issues can be difficult without professional legal help. Let the Law Offices of Gary M. Abrams manage all of the legal details so you can focus on recovery while we fight your legal battles for you. As an experienced attorney and skillful litigator, Attorney Gary Abrams will pursue every form of compensation possible for you.

As a personal injury attorney, you must be aware that the insurance companies have some of THE BEST civil defense attorneys working for them to minimize the amount of damages – compensation you should receive, if any. We know the tactics the insurance companies use. Do not speak with an insurance adjuster about your case until after you have talked with an attorney. Your case could be worth a large amount of money. Call us! We will explain the process and ho the insurance companies work. Remember, WE DONT GET PAID UNLESS YOU RECOVER COMPENSATION FOR YOUR INJURIES.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, truck accident, motorcycle accident, boating accident, slip-and-fall, a workplace accident, or as the result of a dog bite, we can help you get the compensation you deserve, whether it’s through the best personal injury settlement possible, or a day in court. If you’ve lost a loved one as the result of someone’s negligence, we can help you obtain the maximum compensation.