Family Law For Worcester, Massachusetts

There is no area of law as fraught with stress and emotional stumbling blocks as family law. Because legal disputes in central Massachusetts and elsewhere between spouses and family members can be very stressful and emotional, it’s important to choose an attorney experienced in practicing family law For Worcester, Massachusetts.

Just what is “family law”? It’s an area of the law that encompasses a broad range of legal topics involving marriage and children. Family law for Worcester, Massachusetts and throughout the country deals with family matters and domestic relations, including the termination of relationships and related matters, including divorce, annulment, property settlements, alimony, child custody and visitation, child support and alimony awards.

For many individuals involved in a divorce, one area of concern within family law pertains to child custody and visitations. Child custody and support issues often arise when a couple goes through a divorce. It can cause an unnecessary amount of turmoil and anxiety for all parties involved – especially the children.

If the couple can come to an agreement on child custody and visitation on their own, it is common in family law for the court to honor this agreement. However, if the couple cannot reach an agreement, the court will issue a child custody plan based upon “the best interests of the child” legal standard. The court will use several factors to determine what child placement situation is best for the child (for example, the parent’s ability to provide for the child’s needs, the health of the parents, and the preference of the child).

Family law issues can be some of the most contentious legal disputes. In addition, the Court process and legal provisions regarding any family law matter are often very confusing. Consulting an experienced Worcester, Massachusetts family law attorney such as The Law Offices of Gary M. Abrams can help you understand your rights and protect your interests.

We’re sensitive to the deeply personal issues surrounding divorce and family law and treat every case with the respect, concern, and integrity it deserves. We realize you may need to call us at any moment to discuss a serious or sensitive family law issue. That’s why we make every effort to take your call immediately and if we cannot, we will promptly call you back.

To learn more about divorce, child custody, alimony or any other family law issue, email us or give us a call today at the Law Offices of Gary M. Abrams. We’re highly experienced in family law for Worcester, Massachusetts and the surrounding communities and we really do care.